ISICEM is a non-profit organization, which was created in 1980 around one international symposium and has expanded over the years so that we now run
a series of meetings annually, covering different aspects of intensive care and emergency medicine. Participation at our annual ISICEM meeting has increased,
from about 200 in 1980 to more than 6000 from 104 countries worldwide in 2019!
ISICEM is fully independent - we are free to invite the very best leaders and speakers from around the globe.
The aim of ISICEM is to improve the care of the critically ill patient through better clinical management, by facilitating ongoing education and training of all healthcare staff involved in patient care and supporting and encouraging constructive research in the field. Our hope is that every person who attends one of our events will learn something new and useful that they can take back to their units and share with colleagues to improve the practice of intensive care and ultimately patient outcomes.
ISICEM's administration is managed by the not-for-profit
company, ISICEM (asbl).
Their office is located in Brussels, Belgium.
Address: Route de Lennik, 808 – 1070 Brussels.
T: +32 2 555 89 28 – Email:
symposium@isicem.org – Website: www.isicem.org